Top Tips for Doing Laundry Environmentally Friendly

Laundry is a task that most of us do on a weekly basis, but did you know that it can also have a significant impact on the environment? The production of textiles, energy consumption from washing and drying, and the use of harsh chemicals in detergents are just a few of the ways that laundry affects the planet.

However, there are many simple changes you can make to reduce the environmental impact of your laundry routine. Here are some top tips for doing laundry in an environmentally friendly way:

  1. Use a high-efficiency washing machine: Look for a washing machine with an Energy Star label, which indicates that it meets energy-efficient guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency. These machines use less energy and water, reducing your environmental footprint. 

  2. Wash in cold water: Washing in cold water is better for the environment because it uses less energy and helps to preserve the color and shape of your clothes. It's also better for your clothes because it reduces the risk of shrinkage and damage.

  3. Use eco-friendly detergents: Conventional detergents can contain harsh chemicals that are not only harmful to the environment but also to your skin and clothes. Choose a natural, eco-friendly detergent that is biodegradable and free of harmful chemicals.

  4. Line dry: Using a clothesline or drying rack instead of a dryer is a simple and effective way to reduce your environmental impact. Drying clothes in the sun also helps to naturally sanitize and freshen them.

  5. Avoid over-drying: Over-drying clothes can not only shrink them but also increase energy consumption. Stop the dryer as soon as the clothes are dry to save energy.

  6. Invest in quality clothes: High-quality clothes last longer and are worth the investment in the long run. By reducing the frequency of laundry, you'll save energy and reduce your environmental footprint.

By incorporating these tips into your laundry routine, you can help to protect the environment while keeping your clothes clean and fresh. Remember, small changes can make a big impact, so start today and make a difference!

Can Eco Friendly Cleaners clean your laundry environmentally friendly?

If you’d like to rely on professionals to take great care of your laundry the environmentally friendly way. Eco Friendly Cleaners take many steps towards being environmentally friendly. click on the link below to learn more!

Greg Eatwell

Originally from New Zealand, moved to Santa Barbara, CA in late 2015 with his wife Samantha. Purchased Eco Friendly Cleaners in April 2016. Understanding and improving customer’s experience end to end is his core strength. Continually applying Lean/Agile principles to dry-cleaning processes with a strong focus on providing a true environmentally friendly dry-cleaning business.


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