Top Tips to Remove Grass Stains From Clothing

Grass stains on your favorite pieces of clothing can be frustrating. At Eco Friendly Cleaners, our dry cleaning experts routinely see grass stains as one of the most common stains on items that customers bring in or send in for cleaning with dry cleaning pickup and delivery. While dry cleaning is a great choice to get rid of grass stains, you may want to know the easiest way to remove those pesky green spots from clothing at home. No matter how hard you try to get them out, there always seems to be a tint of green left on your clothes after you wash them. So, are you ready to learn how to get grass stains out of your clothing?

To remove grass stains from clothes and shoes, follow these steps:

  1. Pre-treat the stain with a mixture of water and laundry detergent, or a stain remover product.

  2. Rub the solution into the stain with a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth.

  3. Let the solution sit on the stain for at least 15 minutes.

  4. Rinse the stained area with cold water.

  5. If the stain persists, repeat the pre-treatment process and wash the garment or shoe in the washing machine with cold water and laundry detergent.

  6. Check the stain after washing and repeat the process if necessary.

  7. For dry clean-only fabrics or clothing, be sure to take it straight to the dry cleaner or call your dry cleaner for pickup and delivery service. Try lightly blotting the grass stain from inside the garment prior to dry cleaning to be sure not to set the stain.  This helps push the stain outward.

Note: Avoid using hot water, as it can set the stain permanently.

Grass stains are tricky and while all these tips can help lighten the grass stain, it’s always best to consult an expert. The easiest solution is to bring your clothing to any Eco Friendly Cleaners locations in Santa Barbara or Goleta and one of our stain removal experts will promptly take care of your grass stain for you. We’re up for the challenge and we’ll use eco-friendly solutions to get your clothes fresh and clean.

Greg Eatwell

Originally from New Zealand, moved to Santa Barbara, CA in late 2015 with his wife Samantha. Purchased Eco Friendly Cleaners in April 2016. Understanding and improving customer’s experience end to end is his core strength. Continually applying Lean/Agile principles to dry-cleaning processes with a strong focus on providing a true environmentally friendly dry-cleaning business.


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